April 10, 2019


Let's be honest here.  How many photos have you taken of your child?  How many times a year do you get professional photography done?  Probably one professional portrait session per year but have taken thousands of photos with your smart device!  Am I correct?  How many of those photos actually make it past just a jpg photo file?  probably just a handful.  And those who hire some random photographer get a cd only to let the images waste on it until it gets scratched and unusable.  According to Harris Interactive, who surveyed parents nationwide this seems to be a problem.


They found that parents believe they are taking way too many photos and storing them on too many platforms making it difficult to access specific image memories.  I'm sure that study is correct!  I myself feel the same way the only difference that I have vs. others is I have all my favorites stored on my website, EmberRian.com.  But in the end, I like yourself can be overwhelmed at the amount of organization that comes with putting everything together to be retrieved in the future.

There are options out there, such as upload them on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc.  But again your spread wide and thin trying to retrieve your specific images.  Not to mention, they are all collecting your information hoping to turn your search history into revenue!  What you probably didn't realize though is, over time, your images are compressed reducing image quality and/or size.  A once large file is now pixelated in order for tech giants to save storage space so they can sell you more ads. More ads equals more revenue.  Well I have a different perspective and its something that I have started doing a few years back.  Let me share!


We have all heard of year books when it comes to school memories right?  So why not apply the same idea to family memories.  I know you probably saying gathering all the images up over a year is hard when they are on multiple platforms and I don't know where to start.  I myself as a parent have found to be most successful is to create a file folder name the corresponding year family pictures (i.e. "2018 Family Pictures") on my laptop desktop.  Inside that file folder I make 12 files. one for each month of the year.   At the end of each month I take only a handful of my best images of my family and store those images in those files.  Everything else can stay electronic and slowly decay electronically over time.  From there, I make an annual year book! 


Why not apply the same idea that schools do for students to your family.  We would be happy to take your favorites from your smart device(s) and apply it to our professionally made portrait yearbook albums along with your images from your portrait session.  All you have to do is reserve your portrait session, earn your FREE portrait album, then together we can truly organize your memories while defining your family all year long!

Green Spot, Yucaipa Family Portraits.jpg

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