National Camera Day! June 29th

June 29, 2015

Cameras and photography have developed substantially over the years, from its early roots with the French inventor Joseph Niépce right up to modern day digital photography.  Photography started as lithography or the process of printing from a flat surface treated so as to repel the ink except where it is required for printing.  The first modern photograph was created by French Inventor Joseph Niépce.  His trials with lithography led to what Niépce later termed heliography and resulted in the earliest known surviving photograph made in a camera, which he produced in 1826.  In 1839, Louis Jacques Daguerre's photographic invention, the daguerreotype, became a commercial success, overshadowing Niépce's heliograph.  He added to Niepce's invention creating the first photo that didn't fade.  Tintypes were developed in 1856 by Hamilton Smith and decades later, George Eastman invented flexible and unbreakable film that could be rolled. This was the birth of the first Kodak that was offered for sale in 1888.

Kodak released its Retina I in 1934 though 35 mm cameras were still out of reach for most people things would soon change with the introduction of the inexpensive Argus A in 1936.  While conventional cameras were becoming more refined and sophisticated, an entirely new type of camera appeared on the market in 1948. While TSLR and SLR were still the rage this new camera would change the way people would capture memories. This was the Polaroid, the world??™s first instant-picture camera, no development needed.  For the first time people didn't need to sit still for minutes to get their portraits taken.  Smiles began to exist in portraits.

In 1991, Kodak brought to market the Kodak DCS-100, the beginning of a long line of professional Kodak DCS SLR cameras that were based in part on film bodies. It used a 1.3 megapixel sensor and was priced at $13,000.  With the standardization of JPEG and MPEG in 1988 which allowed images and video files to be compressed for storage onto a SD or CF card. With the introduction of the Nikon D1 in 1999 at 2.47 megapixels, this was the first digital SLR that was entirely by a major manufacturer.  Now almost everyone owns a cell phone which contains a camera with GPS attached to their images. 

Boy has technology changed. 


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