Delivery Policy:
1. ELECTRONIC TRANSFER - The easiest and fastest way get contact sheets or final images is via our electronic transfer service. Please provide the specific email addresses where the images should be sent. Electronic delivery must be prepaid and costs $5.00 per mailing.
2. MONDAY PICKUPS - Almost every Monday afternoon from 11:00-3:00 p.m. we hold open office hours and encourage clients to stop by to pick up orders, discuss shoots, and go over image ideas.3. DROP BOX - If we cannot find a mutually good time for you to pickup directly from Ember Rian Photography, your packet of images can be left in a drop box outside the studio. Drop box orders can be picked up any time of day or night, and will remain there until you retrieve your packet. You may leave checks payments in this box as well.
4. FIRST CLASS MAIL - If you wish your images or paperwork mailed, we will send your items first class mail. How long your package takes to arrive -- be it one day or one week -- is up to the USPS. We DO NOT RECOMMEND this method for orders involving prints valued at more than $100, since these packets are not insured (see Fed Ex option below). Standard small orders cost $7.00 to mail; larger packets may cost more.
5. FED EX - If you have ordered a costly item, or want a package delivered to you overnight, we will send the package via Federal Express, and insure it for an appropriate amount. To FedEx your package, we require the following: complete name (individual and/or company), street mailing address (no PO boxes), city, state and zip, plus phone number. Provide us with your FedEx billing number, or that of a third party. If that is not possible, provide us with a current credit card (type, name on card, number, expiration date). FedEx packets generally cost $25-45, depending on size of package, delivery time, and insurance amount.
6. INTERNATIONAL ORDERS - Because of the numerous forms required and the hoops that must be jumped for a business to FedEx a package abroad, we will not send any FedEx package to a foreign country for print or artwork orders less than $750. We recommend instead using our electronic transfer system (see number 1).